If you need to rent a concrete grinder, there are a few key features you need to pay attention to when making your selection so that you choose the right grinder.

It is very important that you do some research because there are a lot of options to choose from, and being prepared will help you achieve your goals because you will know what to ask for when you are at the dealer or rental centre. If you are going to be doing some general grinding, a single head grinder would do the trick and would work well in a garage, for example. If you are working with a small budget, you can consider renting a hand grinder, which is cheaper, as this, too, can help with general grinding of a garage but there would be a lot more labour involved, so you would have to keep that in mind. If you are going to be doing some polishing, a planetary grinder is recommended because this would provide you with a better scratch pattern that is more consistent.

One of the most important elements you need to look for is a concrete vacuum, and this item is often forgotten during grinder rentals, although it is a must that you have this because grinding creates a lot of dust, resulting in a very big mess that can be hard to clean. Additionally, the dust created by grinding concrete is very harmful to your lungs, so a vacuum component is mandatory. You can rent a small vacuum to attach to your grinder for a low cost, and this is something that is definitely worth it. It’s important to keep in mind that not all vacuums are created equally, so a shop-vac or small job site vacuum cannot be used for concrete dust because the particles are very small, so they would flow right through the filter in these vacuums and back out into your space.

You will also have to consider the different tooling options that can go on the grinder, and this will depend on the type of grinding that you are doing. When it comes to tooling, you need to know the type of finish or profile you want to achieve, the size of the area you are grinding and the brand and model of the grinder you are renting. These answers will help you determine what you need, so make sure to do your research.

Ultimately, you must be prepared with details regarding the results you are trying to achieve and must know whether you will be grinding or polishing. You need to get a proper vacuum with the appropriate filter and must know what your power limitations are. Finally, you need the appropriate tooling, so make sure you know this information when renting a concrete grinder.

Royal Coating & Supply can help you with all of your concrete grinder rental needs. We offer a number of concrete repair products, so whether you need Unicon concrete, Northland construction supplies, concrete floor grinders or concrete polish, we can help. If you are in Edmonton, give us a call today!