Epoxy floors are a very popular option when looking at concrete floor coatings. If you’ve been considering this type of flooring, the following list of pros and cons will help with your decision.


  • Epoxy flooring lasts a very long time, so you don’t have to worry about constant repairs.
  • In homes, the epoxy coating can be applied to the garage floor as well as the laundry room, basement, kitchen and bathrooms if the flooring consists of concrete.
  • In a commercial setting, epoxy floors are ideal because they can handle high foot traffic, heavyweight and unpredictable weather.
  • Epoxy flooring is very durable and does not chip, crack or peel as easily as concrete alone does.
  • It is extremely easy to clean, all you need is a broom or a mop.
  • There are different options when it comes to style, so you can choose the colour you want. 


  • The installation process takes longer than a day.
  • Thorough preparation is required before installation.
  • If you ever decide to have epoxy flooring removed, special grinding will be required.
  • Costs.

As you can see, there are many more advantages to epoxy flooring versus disadvantages, so it really is a great option to consider. It is a great investment because you will be getting quality flooring that is incredibly durable, so you can enjoy it for a long time. You can have peace of mind knowing that you don’t have to worry about a replacement in a few years because epoxy flooring will go the distance with you!

In addition to residential use, epoxy flooring is also ideal for a lot of businesses like commercial kitchens, showrooms and auto shops because it will elevate the appearance of your commercial space and is very low maintenance, making it the obvious choice. 

Royal Coating Supply can assist with your flooring. Whether you are in need of concrete polish, repair products or a concrete grinder rental, they can help! For all of your concrete flooring questions, contact Royal Coating